A Nice Break? well not really ….

I decided over the holiday season to try to simplify things a little this year. There is always the usual load of Christmas activities; shopping, wrapping, baking , decorating, and my plan was to cut myself some slack in the work arena ( blog, presentation writing, social media upkeep etc)  and enjoy the season. But this year we added in to the holiday stress the arrival of a new niece and  in some ridiculous trick of karma, the worst case of the flu any of us ever had. I was well on my way to a happier more relaxed season ,enjoying  puttering around decorating and menu planning and wrapping to Christmas music on the Sonos. I thought I had it all figured out. This was great, no pressure , only one day of real work ( a workshop in Natick) and I was ahead of the game shopping because I was prepared for new baby to arrive  and I would have  my sweet little niece Scarlett while her mom and dad were in the delivery room. It was all good.

And then, the baby didn’t arrive on time. She finally arrived late on the 23rd, just at the exact time the worst flu  ever was starting to hit our house. Wil got it first, or should I say, brought it home. Let’s place blame where it belongs 😉   then one by one we were all stricken. Sore throat, then fevers aches and chills. The congestion, coughing  and sneezing and wheezing. Then , as if that were not bad enough  a mean trick was up it’s sleeve and for two days each and every sufferer had bloodshot swollen eyes . All of this happening in waves as we all got sick on different days. Wil usually  takes his vacation time around the holidays, which this year he spent mostly in bed or on the couch. We missed parties and gatherings. I saw the new baby the night she was born, and then not again for almost two weeks.

I  did not work, no photos taken, no blog posts, no presentations written. I vegged on the couch, slept, and then slowly recovered.  The  workshop I did in  Natick  sat unfinished for two whole weeks…so unlike me! When we all felt up to it we made little outings to try to have some fun, and then napped from the exertion.

Now that we are recovered,  I am playing catch-up. I actually worked this week in  North Andover with a group of delightful ladies, and am busy getting ready for a crazy February. In addition to a bunch of  lectures all over the state, I will be at Tower hill  Botanic Garden  on February 8th at 1:00. The presentation there  will be on  growing cutting and arranging “stuff” from your own garden  year round and without decimating the view outside. In tandem with that I will be doing two demonstrations; one on floral arranging without floral foam ( oasis) which I abhor

– ( an aside rant:  how can anyone use and sell this stuff loaded with proven carcinogens and  completely non-biodegradable.? Why has no one taken up the course to invent and sell an better alternative?  In the UK  a biodegradable and non-formaldehyde laden product is just coming to market but by the time it crosses the pond all our florists will dead from poisoning.)

…and back to the demos, one on Forcing Branches. The dates and times for those are still being worked out, but all of the above will be free with admission to Tower Hill.  To get ready I  have been venturing outside cutting  and  the whole left side of the living room in adorned with vase upon vase of twigs and branches, misters , and  watering cans.  I  was also asked to design an arrangement for their annual Flora in Winter display on the weekend of the 30th.DSC_0169

I have cut two different forms of honeysuckle,  cherry ,pussy willows, flamingo willow, quince, , rosa glauca, azaleas, magnolia, filbert, lindera,  viburnum, pear ( which looks so lovely from a distance but smells awful)  two kinds of forsythia, and  yellow and red dogwoods that are mostly for branch color. It is very early for a lot of it. The closer to when something blooms that you cut it , generally the more successful you are at getting it to flower or leaf out. Some things are wrapped in plastic, some covered in trash bags  and all are being misted and monitored for bud swelling and  breaks of color.DSC_0161DSC_0163DSC_0162

Some things, like pussy willows and forsythia are beyond easy to force.  every year I  cut forsythia branches on a weekly basis so there will always be some  sunshine in the house until spring arrives. other branches are more difficult. Here are some general guidelines.DSC_0166

– most shrubs form their buds in fall and need at least 6 weeks of cold to vernalize and then break dormancy to  flower/leaf out again. Watch the weather  so you don’t cut too early.

– Try to cut branches on a warmer day ( above freezing) . It has been so cold here that I have been immersing everything into a bath of warm water for a few hours after cutting to get them going.

– re-cut the branches right before they go into water indoors and either split the bottom or shave some bark off very gently with a vegetable peeler…never ever crush with a hammer as you will disrupt the very pathways you need to get water up to the buds

-change the water on a frequent basis to ensure good water uptake , cloudy water with decomposing material in it will block the water from reaching the buds.

– keep containers out of the sun and away from a heat source so the buds don’t dry out. After they come into bloom and hot and sunny location will also shorten their vase- life considerably

-mist buds daily if you can. with forsythia this is unnecessary , but with something like magnolias, invaluable!DSC_0167

-make note when each shrub you want to force comes in to bloom.  If you look at timetables offered by many extension services and arboretums that will tell you generally what to cut when, keep in mind that there are many varieties within a plant species and they all bloom differently.

Take  lilacs, syringa vulgaris, the common lilac, comes into bloom very early and if you follow a timetable of three weeks before to cut for optimal forcing  that would be mid February-ish. But here I have lilacs that span the whole of spring and for the later bloomers ( like Miss Kim  and Donald Wyman) that would be way too early.

-Try everything!  What have you got to loose? Make note of what you cut and when and see what succeeds and what does not. After time you will learn which shrubs and trees from your garden  will force reliably , then you can plan great displays all through the dreariest part of winter.

As for me, I am under the gun , and have no choice but to dunk and mist, and pray, that somehow the timing will work out and I will not have everything come into bloom to early and thus need to be moved to a really cool location to keep it going, or too late and not have a decent showing .  The stress almost makes me miss laying on the couch shivering and sniffling.DSC_0170

Take a Penny-Leave a Penny

The 15th of the month is when many Garden Bloggers gather virtually at a wonderful site called May Dreams Gardens to share what is currently spectacular in their gardens. Here in New England there are months when the list of what is blooming on the 15th  is so long that I have to edit down to a few plants that are currently holding my heart  by the strings to write about. As the year wanes on, it gets easier to pick what to show, and in November it is usually chrysanthemums that appear here.

This year, for whatever weather or any other of Mother Nature’s reasons, it’s  the the sheffield mum called Chrysanthemum x rubellum ‘Copper Penny’ *that is at the height of bloom. I love this mum for all it brings to the fall garden, and as an added bonus for me it is the “right” color for the autumn. ( …For those that know me will be perfectly aware that plants like evergreen holly ripening  their  red berries on green foliage conjuring the Christmas season too early , irritate me ) . True to its name these adorable blossoms are indeed coppery  in bud and beginning of bloom and open to a lighter russety-orange with bright yellow centers as time goes on. I have divided this plant a few times to increase its visibility in the garden, and will do so again in the spring (BTW  NEVER divide and transplant perennial mums in the fall).

I have been cutting this for arrangements since a couple of weeks before Halloween, and , in fact, one of the pumpkin shaped bowls that adorned the buffet on Halloween is still sitting there looking as beautiful as the day I cut them.DSC_0010 (6) When I went to speak to a Garden Club in Welsley/Dover on Thursday I brought a little tussie-mussie  bouquet to starring Copper Penny to give away. 001008I meant also to tell the gals in attendance that if anyone is looking for a division of this plant ( that is unavailable in commerce to my knowledge) they can come for a visit and I will give them a plant division .  Now I will extend the offer out to all the locals, if you visit ( and ask ) in the spring , I will gift you one. I will also be potting up its cousin , the pink sheffield and a few Red Mammoth and maybe some Wil’s Wonderful as well. fall14

* the

*name told to me,as yet  unverified

Grow It, Cut It, Arrange It

This week I had the good fortune of speaking to the Norwood Garden Club. This delightful group is made up of very dedicated and educated gardeners ( 9 Master Gardeners are in their ranks) and they are also very committed  both to the success and mission of their club as well as serving the town they live in.

The topic they chose was “Shrubs For Year Round Color and Interest” ,and as I like to do whenever I can,I brought along some colorful arrangements to raffle off to the members. Given the topic, the arrangements were made using all materials from the garden with a focus on the shrubs that were outlined in my presentation. I grow so many different shrubs and when choosing them follow a carefully laid out selection process based on their ultimate size, site and maintenance requirements ( I prefer minimal pruning and flexibility in moisture and soil needs)and their usefulness in making indoor arrangements . I like to have as much “stuff” as possible year round to cut and bring in and with careful planning  you too can have your own year round cutting garden too. On February 8 ,2015 at 1pm I will be giving a talk at Tower Hill Botanic Garden on growing, cutting and arranging .If you are interested, details will be in their next education brochure and on their website  for registration closer to then. I will post a link when it is available.

For now you can look at the three arrangements  I brought with me.

009 014040 (2)This first one is a sweet little side table decoration composed of the reddish bracts from a Heptacodium minconoides tree, red dogwood stems from Cornus alba (dogwood) ‘Ivory Halo’, the delightful pink berries of symphoricarpos (coral berry)  ‘Amethyst”, foliage from a spirea called ‘Firemound”, rosa glauca and  physocarpus opulifolius(ninebark) ‘Coppertina’ and the only flowers are those of a Chrysanthemum called Sheffield Pink.001

004The second one is done in traditional centerpiece format, and has foliage from Euonymous fortuneii ‘Gold Splash’, greens from several different chamaecyparis ,more red twig dogwood, crab apples, little red peppers ( from the japanese  four color pepper) and again the only flowers are a Chrysanthemum , this one called ‘Red Mammoth’.032 (2)036

The last one is a kitschy piece of fun I duplicate in some format every October for my Halloween dessert table. this year I used a plastic tumbler from the dollar store that I spray painted it with chalkboard paint so I could write on it (BOO!)  The berries are from  the calliarpa dichotoma ‘Early Amethyst’, and Ilex verticellata ( a deciduous holly)  ‘Winter Gold’, the pods are from baptisia australis or false indigo,  toward the back there is a  scary-spiny  stem of  solanum quitoense ( from seed I got from Nan Ondra at hayefield.com) in the center is a stem of yellow twig dogwood  and the flowers are yet another Korean  chrysanthemum called’Copper Penny’. I added some fluffy seed heads from clematis tanguitica ‘Bill McKenzie’ right when I was leaving to look ghost- like, but forgot to snap another photo.

After my talk, the club raffled off these three as well as 5 shrubs the club’s president and VP brought in , including my #1 favorite hydrangea “Twist and Shout” Congrats to all the winners!

One more photo before I go and a reminder that if you have any annual vine seeds leftover from this season to pop a few in a container and get them in a sunny window pronto…here is morning glory ‘Sunrise Serenade’  blooming in my picture window today.

Missed it! Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

So, I missed GBBD graciously hosted every month on the 15th by maydreamsgardens.com, but I am going to share with you today a mini-post anyway.

Today I finally had the time to get out and plant the rest of the several hundred bulbs I bought ( tulips, daffodils, hyacinth and chionodoxa, and dogs tooth violets if you must know) , and while outside I noticed a few surprise garden happenings that warrant some acknowledgement.007

This clematis, Ernest Markham, came into bloom in May and has not spent one single day out of bloom since. Polite golf-clap if you will for its status as MVP in the garden this year.

002A coneflower I just had to have, called ‘Green Envy” has done anything bit make anyone envious as it rarely blooms at all. This year it has waited until this week to start flowering , so I believe that some positive reinforcement may encourage it to try a little harder next year.019

The feverfew which usually only blooms once a season, is is full bloom again and this little stem was broken in a wind storm yet has continued on despite the injury. Good effort, my friend, good effort.004

Despite several light frosts which usually mean the end of the annuals, they are still standing and today I ripped many out just because, frankly,  I am  tired of them.  Cosmos, morning glories,dahlias verbenas,coleus,  the list goes on and on of stalwart survivors.020

One of my favorite roses, Julia Child, is cycling through yet another bloom cycle. Record year for her too.

As for what else is blooming, the list is long. Sheffield mums ( both the standard pink and the variety called Copper Penny), ‘Ruby Mound’ ‘Lilac”and ‘Centerpiece’  Chrysanthemums, Montauk Daisies, ‘Major Wheeler ‘honeysuckle, dahlias, the Drift roses, monkshood , asters, persecaria,agastache, cupheas, verbenas, geranium ‘Rozanne’  sedums, petunias…053 052 050 042 047 049 036 035 032 028 029 030 027 025 023 017 019 022 015 014 013 009 011 012 008 007 006 ‘Bloomerang’ lilac, Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’, nasturtiums, roses ( New Dawn and an unknown red climber)  a smattering of hydrangeas, berries on the symphoricarpos, callicarpa, viburnums and hollies, …did I miss anything? Oh yes! I am still picking ‘Heritage’ Raspberries, apples and grape tomatoes! Not bad for a New England garden in mid October.005BTW….I will be giving a talk Sunday in Lancaster, MA on successfully blending native and non-native plants in the garden..wish me luck!



Move in Day

seeds are in , plants next!

seeds are in , plants next!

Two weeks ago , Wil, and I headed up to New Hampshire with Erin for her very first move-in-day at her new college home. The weather was perfect and we had the car all loaded the night before . We happily headed off early in the morning  for what turned out to be a very pleasant day indeed. Upon arriving at campus, we were placed into three  lines to wait  as only 16 cars at a time went to unload in front of her dorm. When it was our turn, a  cheery co-ed sent us on our way to the small road in front of the dorm which  was lined with many more cheering co-eds including the football team (and other fall sports athletes), all  shouting , waving and clapping for the incoming freshman. Very sweet! Even sweeter still , as we pulled up in front of the doors a swarm of said athletes jumped to the car grabbing each and every bag, box, suitcase and stuffed animal to carry up to her room leaving us to trail behind  with our baby in tow and just take it all in.

New adventures await her and although I miss her here, I know she is going to just love  campus life and all the opportunities that will present themselves while she is there.

Back here in The Burrow, a different kind of move in day is happening altogether for which  there are no cheering studly football players, no smiling co-eds,  no helpers of any kind.

I have been closely watching the weather so I will be aware of temperature drops below 50 . Loads of plants that live indoors in the winter are right now still blissfully enjoying their summer vacation outdoors, but the jig is almost up. Night temps on Acu-weather have been predicted to be in the 50’s for as far out as they guess. but this morning on the news the weather person shared that some communities have, and did , dip into the 40’s overnight. Which communities these were and will be was left to the imagination so of course I got to thinking that it will most certainly be mine the minute I decide to leave plants outside for another week, so in they must go!

I am not ready for this, not at all. The garden is beautiful right now with many very intensely colored plants that just shine so beautifully  in the waning  late summer sunlight. The houseplants are thriving and growing and  most certainly do not want to come back into the doom and gloom so soon, but it is inevitable ..so  began the Great Houseplant Move in Day of 2104.

The proper way to do this is to plan ahead, clear and clean the spaces the plants will be going and find all their plant stands and drip trays. Then a solid day should be spent grooming and de-bugging everyone so they are at their best for their new home and no critters come along for the ride.

However,  it always ends up here  with me just grabbing , plunking, and maybe swearing a little as they all come in as is, leaving curled dead leaves in their wake from the door to the window sills , and slugs and sow bugs being jettisoned off by hand at the door and whipped onto the lawn. Not a pretty sight. Then I will have to deal with the fact that they have all grown and now new places need to be found to accommodate their ginormousness   and/or generous haircuts will need to be given so they can all squish in. ( look at the size of this ‘Firesticks ‘Catus??!!)

Firesticks cactus

Firesticks cactus



There are just too many to list. Some, like this huge bougainvillea, just overwinter inside as they are more at home in a garden setting. This rambuntious thorny vine will now reside on the window seat ledge behind one of the recliners where I am sure it will cause some discomfort during TV watching to an unwitting  human.




Some are true houseplants that have just been enjoying some fun in the sun











And some are just ridiculous things, like this poinsettia ( now blocking my  printer) I have grown into a small shrub and hang onto for no reason other than the fact that it is still alive and well  and my ego likes the bragging rights.DSC_0010

Anyway, they are all inside now…no football players needed.



A Little Romance in the Garden

Let’s face it, I have a love – hate relationship with Botanical  Latin. As someone who people turn to for help identifying or finding plants, common names can be the bane of my existence. For instance, right now in late summer many non-plant people will refer to every blooming yellow daisy shaped flower as a black-eyed Susan. They may be , they may not. When I teach, I make it clear as day that we need the established system of binomial nomenclature written in  scientific Latin so  everyone understands  the exact plant we are referring  and I actually use two rudbeckia ( ahem, black eyed-Susan) species as  examples  of what can happen when we don’t.

I get it,…. I so get , that’s why I teach Botanical Latin , use Botanical Latin,   and encourage others to do the same. But it  doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Right now blooming outside are two wonderful examples of why I adore using  the common names of garden plants over the Latin.

Love lies Bleeding

Love lies Bleeding

Love-lies -bleeding: amaranthus caudatus is an annual plant I grow to use in flower arrangements. In the Victorian language of flowers it is used to represent hopelessness in love ( or otherwise) and it’s long blood red tassels are certainly a very  dramatic representation of  that  emotional state. Weeping out of a container planting it will catch any eye that walks past.  Although there are cultivars that look like dreadlocks or ponytails, I stick with the common one because it  makes my heart feel weepy too.  In  many situations in my eccentric little life, I sing a little tune appropriate  to the circumstances ( a trait I inherited from my Dad and wickedly passed along to my children). When I am in the garden and walk by it ,this plant always gets a few words  of Funeral for  a Friend by Elton John. The whole song is 11 minutes long , but it is the chorus that will stick in your head for days.( You are welcome 😉 )


Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate

Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate

Kiss me over the garden gate:  persecaria orientalis I may not seem the romantic, but trust me, I am to the core , and any plant with the words “Kiss Me” in it’s name gets a place in the gardens here.The lipstick pink flowers of this knotweed  arch atop long stems that if planted near a garden gate will flirtaciously  drape over , hence the common name.  How nostalgically delightful to think of two young sweethearts parting for the evening sneaking one last kiss over the garden gate . In a time when sex and sexual innuendo permeate absolutely everything I pine for the simple romance of the past , and this conjures it by the bucket-load. How about a little Sixpence None the Richer to help set the secene?  Perfectly old fashioned , lemonade on the porch drinkin- kissin over the garden gate music.

Latin can’t even compete.

What’s the story Morning Glory, What’s the Word , Hummingbird?

003I know some people have difficulties with morning glories. Some of their relatives can be very pesky indeed( think bindweed) , and some Morning Glories  if sown in the right  location they can re-seed vigorously and be a super pain-in-the neck. But I adore them and plant them every year  (no re-seeding ever happens here) and by late summer they are a happy little addition to the gardens.This year I planted my usual ‘Heavenly Blue’ and ‘Grandpa Ott’ ‘ and then added ‘Crimson Rambler ‘ and an unusual variety called ‘Sun Serenade’ which is not blooming yet. The Crimson rambler is happily rambling into a Little Leaf Linden tree, Grandpa Ott is doing me a favor by flowering into a Knockout Rose that died down to the roots this winter and is barely hanging on,  and Heavenly Blue is where it always is, right outside my kitchen window.

As I am out walking around looking at them , of course I am singing “What’s the Story , Morning Glory” ( the telephone song) from “Bye -Bye Birdie” in my head. I would sing it out loud, but the neighbors already think I am weird enough 😉

Grandpa Ott

Grandpa Ott

Crimson Rambler in the tree

Crimson Rambler in the tree


Grandpa Ott in a rose

Grandpa Ott in a rose


017Crimson RamblerCrimson Rambler

Heavenly Blue

Heavenly Blue





Throw Back Thursday

For those of you who use Facebook, you may be aware of a trend on Thursdays to post photos from “back in the day” of your kids, your pets, house , friends, or events you were attending .It is called Throw Back Thursday , or TBT ,and it is kind of fun to see the  old photos and have a fond memory brought to mind. Also, if the pictures are of me, I like to see how young and/or skinny I appear compared to now even if my hair was big enough to deserve it’s own zip code.I have posted a few TBTs , but  I especially like the ones of the garden.

When I first started gardening , my grandmother ,who was undoubtedly my #1 fan, would always walk around the yard when she visited with her little insta-matic camera snapping shots. She would promptly develop the film  ( unlike me who still has undeveloped rolls in my desk from the 90’s) and carefully label the backs of the photos with the location and date. I did not appreciate it at the time  but it has given me a wealth of memories from my first efforts to get The Garden in the Burrow growing, and some pretty great memories of my gram as well.Just seeing her perfect cursive handwriting on the back can send  me back in time daydreaming of busy times here when the kids were little and the the hustle and bustle of life with them and the garden was my entire existence.Scan0018 Things sure have changed, my gram is gone, the kids are older, and the garden unbelievably on the verge of being overgrown in spots which still amazes me considering where we started.

(Just an FYI for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the beginnings of the garden here, our house was built on a lot that had zero vegetation, not so much as a blade of grass, and no soil, just sand. that is certainly not the case any more.)

Here are a few photos , some hers some mine , that show some of the gardens along the way ……..

(the only human is wee little  Erin standing next to the payhouse..she is  headed to college next week )

The Red Shed Garden

The Red Shed Garden


The Dog’s Garden

shed 3

Pathway to the Pink Garden


The kids playhouse after and before

The kids playhouse after and before


Part of the rock garden

Part of the rock garden


The back 40

The back 40


Some Days

Some days doesn’t it seem that almost nothing could possibly go your way?

And some days it  feels like every one who could get in your way, undermine you, disappoint you, piss you off or otherwise offend, did just that?

And some days it feels like the ick will never end, you will never each your safe place ,put on your slippers , grab a  beer and just forget it all went down like it did.

On those  days you actually know better than to utter “What else could possibly go wrong?” because you know full well something will

And on  those days I am never more grateful for the garden ( and to be honest for the beer too) and the fact that a quick walk through, even if it is nightfall, will change my attitude, settle my soul and calm my spirit.

I give you white and gray at dusk…..004007033035001002011016014012019028024032031029036

Wearin’ My Big Girl Panties

Fans of this blog may be aware that I have a completely irrational, overwhelming ,and life-pervasive fear of snakes. I hate the way they move and hate their little reptilian faces. I scream like a mad woman  when I find them outside. I have on occasion been known to pulverize them with bats, spear them with spades and smash them with rocks when they startle me in the garden.

You can read about what happened when one entered my house here….it was not pretty.

I even imagine them when I see hoses, the striped backs of chipmunks, curvy branches on the ground, and god forbid the stray piece of twine falls on the pathway.

What makes it all the worse is that

a. I am afraid of almost nothing else. Bumps in the night, strangers in the woods, spiders, Friday the 13th, heights, all scare me not one whit. I even overcame my fear of flying ( albeit with valium and alcohol) so I could travel with Wil.

b.I spend almost all of my time where snakes like to be ..the beautiful garden I personally made with rock walls , shady hideouts, warm sunny composting piles and plenty of bugs, mice etc for snacking.

So , therefore I find it most surprising that a pretty good sized garter snake has made himself a home  right next to the chicken wire structure where the grass clippings are sent to decompose  and I am A_OK with it.

I think, first of all ,that knowing full well that a  hot pile of grass clippings at the edge of a wooded area was going to be a snake nirvana kept me aware and always thinking one may be there at any time. When I am caught off guard is when the mayhem ensues. Secondly, even though I discovered said snake while weeding out pokeweed 3 inches from his face and not only jumped 6 feet away but screamed like a crazed lunatic, said snake never moved , not even a tongue flick. His calm cool demeanor may have saved his life.

Mr. Cool Pants Snake, just stayed still watching me, and chilling in his warm grass pile, so I decided to put my big girl panties on and continue to weed  and see what he did.  well, Mr. Cool Pants Snake did what he was doing before…nothing.

It took every fiber of courage I could muster, but I left him there to do whatever snakey things he does and went back to life as usual. I have had to go out to the back several times since for a minute or two here, and he has been in the same general spot, sometimes all coiled up, sometimes a little lankier and spread over the  grass. Each time I have looked and confirmed his location and that he was still being Mr. Cool Pants and not trying to come anywhere near me, and I have let him be. Granted I was supposed to water all of the area out back this week and may have put that off a smidge as I was feeling a little too over-exposed to all things reptile, but when I did go out yesterday  he was there, all chill and realxin’ , watching me like always , still as can be.

Today I introduced Mr. Cool Pants Snake to Wil  as he has to mow this morning and I did not want him to get startled when he dumped grass clippings on Mr.CPS. It took us a while to see him as he was all spread out and blends so well into the woody/ grassy location he now calls home . We had almost given up  looking  but when Wil  reached in to grab a weed I saw MR. CPS clear as day inches from his  hand.  I backed up a little but did not scream, I am pretty proud of that.

It is a small victory , I will grant you that. If Mr. CPS starts to get more comfortable and starts thinking we are friends or approaches me in any manner , things may change rapidly ( and by that I mean he may die a very very violent death). But for now at least I am able to be in his presence and not pee my pants or go hog wild smashing him with a shovel.

Here he is, all chillaxing …just in case you give me more credit than is due, no, I did not take the photo. That would really be asking too much of me . I stood next to him ( well, about 10 feet away) while Wil did.002