Bloom Day

One more time I missed bloom Day over at May Dreams Gardens  ..  ……and you all know how I hate to be left out of anything :)… better late than never, and this post will remind me next month on the 15th to get my a** in gear.

I could list all the plants that are blooming here, but they mimic the lists already on other sites, so instead on bloom day I will stick to clematis (and or other vines as the mood strikes me).

c.Dr. Ruppel

c.’ Dr. Ruppel’ is planted twice in the same bed, once to grow into a Rose of Sharon, once in a container. It is blooming in the container right now

Elsa Spath

c.’Elsa Spath’ is in her second, and smaller flush of blooms for the summer









c.viticella’ Kermesina’ is blooming with abandon, but will be moved to a better more visisble location when it is finished (can’t seem to find the picture….hmmmmm

c.’Comtesse de Bouchard’ (right) just keeps on keepin on as does c. viticella ‘Betty Corning ‘ (left)(both in week 16 of bloom)








c.’Huldine’ (left)is blooming out front although it finished out back two weeks ago, and c.texensis’ Gravetye Beauty'(right) is doing what is does best..being beautiful! What a job to have, huh?








Last but certainly not least, the herbaceous c.integrifolia ‘Rosea’ (below) is blooming all around the ever so beautiful Christopher Marlowe rose I am infatuated with since it’s arrival from David Austin roses this spring. 


Because of the bunny issues here ,I will not swear here even though I wanna, some clematis have been blooming out of their ordinary time, so almost every day I am surprised to see a new one with buds and look forward (now that they are all caged off grrrrrrr) to see who comes out next.