This time of year the focus is on clean-up, weeding, mulching, pruning, planting and other mounting garden chores . It s really difficult to stop and smell the roses and to take their pictures, too.
We had such a cold and late winter that so much is blooming out of it’s normal time frame, but lots is going on here just the same. Except the roses, there will be no photos and very limited smelling of roses this year as many of them are showing no signs of life. On the “looks dead” list are one of the double pink Knockouts, one of two Peach Drift standards, ‘Ellse Poulsen’, ‘Belinda’, ‘Ebb Tide ‘, the climber ‘New Dawn’, and one of the low growing drifts near the shed. The others that are alive and showing signs of life are leafing out very very slowly , many from the bottom which is not a good sign for the canes above. Two other climbers had about half of their canes die back as well. insert big huge sigh here.
So. let’s celebrate the good news, and see some flowers 🙂
We still have daffodils blooming and in bud , the forget -me-nots are out(no photo).
violas and pansies are popping up everywhere and some are in containers ( this one with willow twigs)
.Fothergilla, crabapples
viburnum carlesii (which is perfuming the whole yard) next to Magnolia’Ricky’
and the evergreen azaleas,this one being highlighted by the variegated honeysuckle ‘Harlequin’
Species tulip clusiana’Jane’, and the orange unknown straggler
moss phlox, pulmonaria and ajuga
this sweet little geum often called Prairie Smoke, and it not so sweet bawdy cousin Geum avens ‘Cooky’
One of the new apple trees that will grow on the fence is blooming for the first time
By next week we should have several clematis, some of the earlier peonies, bleeding hearts and loads and loads of lilacs! Can’t wait!!!! Now back outside to spread mulch.
follow the link to see what everyone else has going on over at May Dreams Gardens
Your spring is just beautiful. I am catching up.