Photos I like

 Going through and cleaning up the photo files after a busy year here in the Burrow.Found lots of keepers that really will help me improve many of the plantings, as well as some that I just like for the photos themselves.

 This one falls into the second category… Why do I love this photo?

 Because in this very blooming garden, where from March to November you can find color everywhere…..

 in this photo…… there is nothing but green. Crazy. Just look at all the shades, very cool.

                                             This ranks as a favorite too, because it is the very defininition of “bloom where you’re planted” …which is just darn good advice.

 This one is sweet

                                                                                                                                                                    and this one has great color.

                                                                                                                                   And this one makes winter seem peaceful and wonderful.

                                                                                                                                                          Amazing how photos can do that.

go over to to see some great photography by Saxon Holt, as well as many fellow bloggers whose photographs puts my humble “pictures” to shame.

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