there are a few weeks here when the bloom of many clematis plants overlap. Some are just finishing, some just gathering steam, and all combining together to make the garden look fantasitic. Here are some shots of who is bringin’ it today.
ps..we got rain! It wasn’t a lot, but it did give me time to do other things instead of watering and that felt darn nice!
Star River opening
a very young ville de lyon
Polish SPirit on the new fence
etoilee violette in crabapple tree
etoille violette
comtesse de bouchaud
Betty corning
c. roguchi
Betty Corning
either Rosemoor or Niobe
Polish Spirit on bench arbor
bud of integrifolia ‘Rosea’
Star River
Elsa Spaeth
Gravetye Beauty
sold to me as c. hexapetala but probably c.recta