today I have found out the answer to the question, “What happens when you try to force branches in to bloom during a very warm and un-snowy winter?” …. the answer?
All of the branches I brought in are bursting into bloom and leaf with ease. I cut the first batch when I posted here exactly two weeks ago. I have changed the water in the vases once, and misted the buds NEVER which is unusual for me , and yet I have honeysuckle, forsythia, magnolia, azalea and pussy willows all starting to open this morning. When they are all in flower further pics will be on my instagram and Facebook… links are to the right.
If you live in the Northeast, where we are currently experiencing extremely warm temps (, today is in the high 50’s, yesterday was in the 60’s), you have no excuse , you heard me , none, but to get out and cut at will. There is no snow to plow through, you need but a light cardigan over your shoulders, and the sun is shinning to replenish your depleted vitamin D level.
Smile 🙂