Daily Archives: 08/26/2014

What’s the story Morning Glory, What’s the Word , Hummingbird?

003I know some people have difficulties with morning glories. Some of their relatives can be very pesky indeed( think bindweed) , and some Morning Glories  if sown in the right  location they can re-seed vigorously and be a super pain-in-the neck. But I adore them and plant them every year  (no re-seeding ever happens here) and by late summer they are a happy little addition to the gardens.This year I planted my usual ‘Heavenly Blue’ and ‘Grandpa Ott’ ‘ and then added ‘Crimson Rambler ‘ and an unusual variety called ‘Sun Serenade’ which is not blooming yet. The Crimson rambler is happily rambling into a Little Leaf Linden tree, Grandpa Ott is doing me a favor by flowering into a Knockout Rose that died down to the roots this winter and is barely hanging on,  and Heavenly Blue is where it always is, right outside my kitchen window.

As I am out walking around looking at them , of course I am singing “What’s the Story , Morning Glory” ( the telephone song) from “Bye -Bye Birdie” in my head. I would sing it out loud, but the neighbors already think I am weird enough 😉

Grandpa Ott

Grandpa Ott

Crimson Rambler in the tree

Crimson Rambler in the tree


Grandpa Ott in a rose

Grandpa Ott in a rose


017Crimson RamblerCrimson Rambler

Heavenly Blue

Heavenly Blue