Without tempting the unniverse to go sahara on my a**, could it just be sunny for a little bit? Or maybe just a few degrees warmer so the word “raw ” can be excused from my weather vocabulary for a while? I have things to do, and the garden waits for no woman , what needs doing needs doing now.
My pants are wet, my sweatshirt is so wet it weighs about 40 lbs, my wellies have been keeping my feet dry , but muddy-ing up the deck and walkways, the soil is saturated and the plants are drooping and can I mention wet mulch=heavy mulch and it is much too dificult to spread.
It rained yesterday, the day before that it poured, it rained off and on today and when it was not raining there was a fine mist in the air being blown about by the wind which is highly uncomfortable to be outside in. It will rain tommorow, and the day after that, and maybe even the day after that one too.
I think back to another May we had like this (2004?), that year it went into June the same cold wet way. Plants just rotted in the ground and fungal diseases abounded .The poor things had no way to escape the water and they just turned to mush and there was nothing I could do about it. Frustration ensued and that is just not pleasant to be around, trust me.
I also can’t take any decent pictures, but I will post what I have taken so far. The crabapple trees all looked incredible this year, and the lilacs are starting to bloom. The spring blooming shrubbery was unstopable, going for days longer than it ever has. The magnolia never got nipped by frost, the forsythia and azeleas are still in bloom, and three clematis that never bloom this early are all budded out.
[cincopa A8DA0mKRQuL8]
This is usually a great time to show off the garden, but no one wants to be outside and that counts for my worker-bees too. CJ has taken to doing inside chores (folding laundry, vaccuuming etc) so he won’t have to get soaked and chilled to the bone anymore. Our first cookout of the year( in honor of his college graduation) is this weekend.
I will take partly cloudy, passing brief showers, threat of afternoon quick passing storm, or even morning rain if it is followed by a sunny afterenoon. I will not accept any more day long rains with temps in the 40’s and low 50’s .
The end.
[cincopa AkGAwnqzQ67r]